Hello Readers!
That is if I have any of you left after my prolonged absence. When I started this blog I had some more free time here at work during lunch to jump on the computer and update the blog. The last few weeks have left me with hardly any time to do anything let alone update the blog. So I
apologize for that.
I do want to assure you that I am still doing P90X and my results have been good so far. I have two small children at home, I work
full time, I do P90X and all of that leaves me with just enough time to eat and sleep.
OK. Let's talk about the last few weeks of P90X.
When I started the program on November 3rd, 2008 I weighed 218 lbs. On day 16 of the program I weighed 207.3lbs and on Monday of this week the scale here at work read 205.6lbs. I have seen my weight fluctuate back and forth since the 16
th day of the program but have not gone above 211lbs. This morning for example I was 208lbs, a few days ago I was 210lbs. At this point I do not know my current body fat % (the girl that runs the gym here at work won't have the calipers until next week) so I will be delayed with posting my 30 day photos and results.
When you see yourself in the mirror everyday you don't notice the changes your body is undertaking as much as someone who does not see you everyday. I was hoping for more dramatic results by this time but I realized that I was indeed having results but I just wasn't able to notice them since I see myself everyday. I have had so many
people ask me if I have lost weight (none of which new I was doing this program) and tell me I look great. Hearing this really helps keep you focused because this program will test you on a daily basis and it is so easy to just quit. For those of you reading this who don't really know much about P90X let me tell you it is very demanding, very hard, and will put your willpower and body to a serious test.
More on this in a minute.Today is day 32 for me at the end of next week I will be half way through the program. I have worked out hard for 23 out of the last 32 days. I am going to be honest with you and tell you that the week of Thanksgiving was a bad week for me and I missed several days in a row. Now this week also happened to be recovery week so I didn't miss many resistance days (I did do the Core
Synergistic DVD-Loved it) but I did get mad at myself for missing the workouts.
Normally I do my workouts here at work in the gym we have downstairs. Typically I head down to the gym around 2:30 in the afternoon and I have the place to myself. It is a really nice gym and it is
equipped with all of the things necessary for me to perform my workouts. It works well for me and it has become routine. The week of Thanksgiving I had several days off of work and more activities going on at home. I don't really have the
equipment at home nor the space to perform my workouts and add in Thanksgiving, the fact that I have two children under 2 and other unavoidable events that went on I ended up missing 3 days of workouts in a row. Not only that, but I did cheat a little on my diet during those 3 days.
I was glad to get back to work and back into my routine for the start of the second phase (5
th week). Right now I am still in the "fat shredding" phase of the nutrition plan and I will be sticking with this phase
until the end of next week. For the most part I have really tried to avoid
carbs during this phase and I can't really tell if my
body is just tired or feeling the lack of
I may need the additional
carbs because I still can't keep up with Tony and the individuals on the DVD and I still have to pause the
DVD's on some workouts in order to keep my heart from exploding dropping me dead on the spot.
Yesterday I did Back and Biceps for the first time and I could only do one (ONE LOUSY) Corn Cob pull up. I was just wasted by the time that came up in the workout. Not only that but the last
exercise has you curl four different weights for 8 reps each and I thought I could start with 35lbs and go down but my left bicep was so beat by the time that
exercise came up I dropped to 20lbs and had a hard time doing 8 reps (I still had 3 sets left after that).
That's all for now.