Sunday, November 2, 2008

P90X Eve

Today my wife and I went food shopping to get our kitchen in order for P90X. My wife isn't going to be doing the program right now but she is going to try to follow the nutrition plan with me. I said earlier that the diet was going to be the hardest part for me. I have always lived by the simple rule. Eat when your hungry, don't eat when not hungry. While this is very easy to do it has several drawbacks for me.

  1. I would get SOOO hungry that I would want instant gratification and that means I would eat something easy, i.e......bad for me. If I was out chances are I was eating a double quarter pounder with cheese and I tended to always get it large.
  2. Since I was so hungry I would pig out to the point where I would feel like I would need a wheelchair in order to move.

You should have seen me at the grocery store. I must have looked so out of place. My wife normally does all of the food shopping so I am totally clueless once I am there. This place has so many choices my brain blows a fuse. Thankfully I had brought my P90X nutrition guide with me so I had an idea of what to look for.

Here is just a partial list of what we bought:

  • 2 boxes of brown rice
  • Fat Free cottage cheese
  • Original couscous
  • Fresh strawberries
  • Fresh blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Protein bars
  • Several bags of frozen chicken breast
  • Pistachio nuts (I can have 30 a day, YES!!!!!)
  • Mushrooms
  • Tomatoes

One of the things I noticed that will challenge me is that allot of the things are plain. I like allot of flavor and the thought of plain old brown rice and plain oatmeal is seriously bumming me out. I guess I can use cinnamon and fresh fruit for flavoring as well as soy sauce so all is not lost but I sure will miss my sugar.

When we got home I prepared tomorrows lunch for my wife and I. I used the nutrition guide to determine the portion size. I made a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, grilled chicken and cucumbers. I was allowed 4 table spoons of fat free balsamic vinaigrette while my wife could have 2.

I then counted out 30 pistachios and placed them in a snack sized zip lock bag. I repeated this until I had 5 bags ready, one for each day of the week.

Here is what my meal plan for tomorrow looks like:

Breakfast: Mushroom Omelet, 1 cup-fresh strawberries, 12oz cottage cheese

Snack: Protein Bar

Lunch: Salad

Snack: 30 Pistachios, 2 string cheese

Dinner: Chicken and veggies with a carb choice

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