For those of you that do not know that much about P90X or still do not quite understand what it is like even after reading these posts I would like to take this time to tell you.
If you have never been athletic or you are seriously out of shape this program is not for you. Hell, I have been an athlete all my life, played hockey in college and some of these workouts humble me. I am amazed that Tony and the others on the DVDs can rip out exercise after exercise and look like they just started while I am hunched over catching my breath and sweating like something you have never seen before.
Tony is a freak of nature. This guy is ripped, can do more pullups than I can contemplate and he is pushing 50. If I can ever get through one of the DVD's and keep pace move for move with Tony then I will be astonished. I have to keep telling myself that he is a professional and he does this for a living. I am sure if exercising was my profession I would be really good at it as well.
I just do my best and forget the rest.
I have some serious respect for the individuals in this program. And I respect all of you who make it through the 90 days. You have to want it or else you won't make it. It isn't for people hoping for the magic pill, it is anything but that. It is boot camp.
It won't be long and you'll be ripping through multiple rounds of this program like just another day in your life. I just started my 6th round of P90X, it never gets "easy", but you love every one of the workouts...or at least I do. :)
Keep it up, one workout at a time!
it gives you 12 dvds for 90 days...i borrowed the dvds so i dont have the official copy. do you just switch it around or start over again once the 12 dvds are over...i mean it would be 12 days? help!
okey i have not used every, can it ripped my body can i get pack abs. I read your posting hope may help me to have it and use it , thanks.
I am amazed that Tony and the others on the DVDs can rip out exercise after exercise and look like they just started while I am hunched over catching my breath and sweating like something you have never seen before.
MaxBurn Funciona
Perfect Radiance
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